At SLI we offer a wide range of coaching services along with assessments and profile instruments that can provide insights into many aspects of an individual’s capabilities, behaviors and preferences as well as insight into team dynamics and team effectiveness. The list below provides samples of some of our most popular assessments. Our coaches are professionally certified and carefully selected to provide the best coaching experience for your leaders or team members development. Coaching engagements vary in time and structure in order to meet the specific development needs of your people.
Individual Assessments (including Leadership Assessments)
Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL) Assessment Suite including Benchmarks 360
The CCL Assessment Suite brings together four research-based 360-degree instruments that address the leadership needs of all levels of personnel within an organization. Each assessment in the suite offers a consistent reporting format, helping to create a common leadership language and uniform feedback process.
Click here to see a sample of the world class Benchmarks 360 feedback report.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is a foundation for understanding individual differences and applying that understanding to the ways we work and interact. Together with its training and support materials, the MBTI® instrument can make the difference in your organization’s communication, team building, leadership development, and career management initiatives.
Click here to see a sample of the MBTI Individual report.
Change Style Indicator
The Change Style Indicator® is a change management assessment designed to measure preferred styles in approaching and dealing with change. Individual and team assessment reports are available.
Click here to view a sample individual CSI report.
Decision Style Profile
The Decision Style Profile® is an enlightening management assessment tool and model that assesses the use of five critical decision styles and the appropriateness of including and excluding stakeholders in the decision-making process.
Click here to view a sample DSP report.
Influencing Styles Indicator
The Influence Style Indicator® is an individual assessment which identifies a dominant influencing style and assists in the development of skills to increase leadership effectiveness.
Click here to see a sample of the ISI report.
Thomas Kilmann Conflict Instrument
The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is the world’s best-selling assessment for understanding how different conflict-handling styles affect interpersonal and group dynamics.
Click here to view a sample TKI report.
Everything DiSC
All Everything DiSC® solutions help build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles. Based on over 40 years of research, the DiSC model is made up of four basic styles: D, i, S, and C and unlike simple personality tests, there is no perfect DiSC style. Everyone has a unique blend of different styles and priorities and these differences are valuable and help to create healthier organizations
Click here to see a sample of the DiSC® Workplace Profile
Click here to see a sample of the DiSC® Sales Profile
Click here to see a sample of the DiSC® Work of Leaders
Click here to see a sample of the DiSC® for Managers
Click here to see the information sheet for DiSC® Productive Conflict
Team Assessments
MBTI Team Type Profile
The MBTI® Team Profile includes a summary of the team’s personality type, team strengths and challenges, each individual’s contributions to the team, and discussions on team and individual problem-solving, conflict-handling and communication styles, and the organization’s influence on the team. The new report also contains an updated action planning worksheet and actionable tips for the individual and team based on type.
Click here to view a sample MBTI Team report.
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
The 5 Dysfunctions Online Team Assessment provides a tangible measurement tool for the Five Dysfunctions of a Team model. With only 38 questions, this tool provides a quick, effective snap-shot for team performance. Upon completion of the assessment by all team members the team reviews the Team Assessment Report which offers customized data outlining a team’s strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations for overcoming potential dysfunction.
Click here to see a sample of the 5 Dysfunctions Team Assessment report.
The Five Behaviours Of A Cohesive Team
Grounded in the model presented in Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book ‘The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team’, the Five Behaviours Of A Cohesive Team™ assessment will provide team participants with great insight into how they score regarding the following key components of the model: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and results. By understanding their results, participants will be able to work together more effectively in creating a better and stronger team.
Click here to see a sample Five Behaviours Team Assessment report.
Change Readiness Gauge
The Change Readiness Gauge® is an organizational tool designed to assess an organization’s ability to accept and implement change. This instrument helps organizations identify and quantify their ability to react and respond to a rapidly changing environment in challenging times. The Change Readiness Gauge® offers a unique approach to change readiness and can be used in a variety of organization and team situations.
Click here to see a CRG sample report.
Everything DiSC
All Everything DiSC® solutions help build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles. Based on over 40 years of research, the DiSC model is made up of four basic styles: D, i, S, and C and unlike simple personality tests, there is no perfect DiSC style. Everyone has a unique blend of different styles and priorities and understanding these differences helps to create higher performing, more cohesive teams
Click here to see a sample of the DiSC Workplace Comparison report.
DiSC® Management Profile
DiSC® Work of Leaders
Click here to see the information sheet for DiSC® Productive Conflict