Website Notice of Closing

Enabling people to realize their potential and companies to
achieve their vision and goals


Announcing the Closure of StarFish Learning
and the Retirement of its Principals @ 12-31-24

Early in 2003 StarFish Learning (SLI) began our mission to provide learning and development to our valued clients in the areas of Sales, Marketing, Leadership, Team Development and Effective Communications. Although initially focused on the Pharma, Technology and Financial Services industries, as our clients moved and grew their careers, we too branched into new areas!   It has been a journey of growth, challenge, fulfillment and joy!  We are deeply grateful for the amazing clients we have connected with, for our truly talented group of Associates, for our dedicated and ever efficient office managers, Susan and Diane, and for the strength of our partnership!  While reflecting on this gratitude, we have not taken lightly our decision to retire and close SLI effective December 31st, 2024.

The time has come for us to start a new chapter in our lives and create more time for focusing on family, friends, well-being, and community.  We will continue to accept new projects and, of course, complete all work that has been contracted through the end of the year with our usual standards of quality, care, and commitment.  Post 2024 we sincerely hope that you will continue to work, now directly, with any SLI Associates that you have worked with in the past.  We are committed to do whatever we can to facilitate these transitions.  We will also maintain our SLI email addresses for the foreseeable future so if you should like to reach out to us for vendor referrals for potential projects, we will provide any assistance that we can.

We sincerely thank you for your loyalty and partnership and wish you, your team, and your organization all the very best for the future.  It has been our pleasure to work with you!

Please note that the website will be taken down as of March 31, 2025 so if there are program information sheets you wish to save please download them prior to this date.  We are happy to connect you with new resources to facilitate the programs wherever possible.